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Thread: Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room"

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room"

    Is there any specific features about your room that say "This is YOUR room?" Anything that your friends remember about it, that even if you moved to a new house, and had a vastly different shaped and sized room, it would still undoubtedly be your room?

    My room has toys all over it. And posters, pictures, CD's, etc. I think the biggest thing my friends generally remember is the Invid drinking an old school can of Wild Cherry Pepsi; he is situated on top of my TV. (Some day I will have to get a picture of that and post it here. I also want to get a picture of my car for the car thread. We'll see how long that takes...) He falls down a lot, though... I had him somewhere else for a little while because of this, but then one of my friends complained that he wasn't in the focus anymore, so I moved him back. There is also a Bart Simpson being eaten by a frog; his head is entirely in the frog's mouth.

    But yeah; my room as described by my friend Mike, "Is like a toy factory and a CD store exploded." Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    My dorm room? *maniacal laughter*

    Despite the ongoing mass, my side is full of Anime Pictures, random cute guys and the like. That, and I have a cosplay wig on my closet.

    My roomate's side is covered in everything rainbow. She has pictures of hot women everywhere, rainbow sheets, pictures of girlfriend, open closet. Rainbow flag. Rainbow door stop.

    Put it this way- you'd know right away if you walked into my dorm.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  3. #3
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Hmm, let's see.

    My room is covered, ceiling and wall in glow in the dark stars. We put them up when I was a kid and never bothered to take them back down, but I don't mind them. I don't sleep there anymore anyway, so it'd just be extra trouble for something that isn't greatly important. Still, I like them, they're cool little things.

    And tea cups. Anything tea and teacups. You find that stuff all over my desk along with sweet smelling soaps, games, Silent Hill stuff and pictures of cute animals. I also have bandages and splints all over the place for my carpel tunnel. And there's always thick socks and gloves rolled up everywhere, clean ones. I have chilblains and it's painful for me in the Winter. It affects my fingertips and my toes. Boourns.

    So yeah, stuff like that is what you'd probaby remember my room by, I guess.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    Hmm, let's see.

    My room is covered, ceiling and wall in glow in the dark stars. We put them up when I was a kid and never bothered to take them back down, but I don't mind them. I don't sleep there anymore anyway, so it'd just be extra trouble for something that isn't greatly important. Still, I like them, they're cool little things.
    This . Except i have glow in the dark dinosaur footprints (scaled down obviously =p) on my door that i put on when i moved here (20 years ago XD), that are still present. It's normally one of the first things people notice haha.

    The other thing that gets noticed is my "stress balls" haha. They look like a pair of testicles haha. My friend got me them a few years back as a joke and i've never used them, so they just sit on my desk as an ornament. People crack up when they see them
    Last edited by Djinn; 10-19-2008 at 04:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Victoria's Avatar
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    I only really have one thing, aside from my consoles and computer and stuff, and massive books that says it's my room.

    And that's this:

    She will always be posted on my door. If you see this, it is my room. Bwa ha.

  6. #6
    If you can't see the carpet for clothing, you know where you're at.

  7. #7
    Air from my lungs. Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    Well.. my room's pretty plain, to be honest. All my cool stuff is packed away or shoved in the closet. The walls are a really light blue, tan carpet...

    Anyways, you'd know it's my room if it was really clean with an unmade bed and lots of manga/books.. a PS2.. and a ton of crap on the dresser(like video game cases or cups). The most noticable thing about my room right now is the drawing table. Can't forget that.. tis my work station!

  8. #8
    Born Again Atheist Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Sarah's Avatar
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    Hmmm... there are a lot of things that tell people that this is my apartment. From the outside you can see my smiley face, dangly, window guy. Inside, it's a ton of toys, video games, computers, posters, stuffed animals, leopard print, and oddities. My apartment looks like a novelty store. My boyfriend has a very similar style, so you can't always tell which is his stuff and which is mine. The big difference is stuffed animals and leopard print.

    Some unique stuff you might see includes my Monty Python killer rabbit with a Mister Zuchinihead in his mouth, my Ren doll humping a Hershey kiss, my bambi with a broken neck, my teddy bear wearing a princess hat, my Taz with fairy wings in a rocking chair, and my super hero sheep wearing a leopard print lamp shade.
    Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
    Bring back Pete for S-Mod!
    Down with Word Games! Eradicate post counts! One liners are valid responses, too!

  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My room...

    - Always has a minimum of 2-3 consoles in sight at any one time.

    - Has a few spindles of pre 2000 PC-CDs as well as two square floppy disc wallets on my desk.

    - Has two walls covered in game posters with the occasional anime one.

    - Has a 'chaos shrine'. Mostly littered with random odd artifacts such as plates, old fashioned lanterns, elaborate candles, incense and it's holders, gambling items and various items of interest. Currently also holds three swords. It rarely stays laid out the same for long.

    - Has a lifesize Uma Thurman cardboard cut out thing from a video store advertising Kill Bill v2.

    - Has a crapload of various game bonuses and the like strewn around such as the Halo 3 legendary edition helmet, a castle crashers Orange Knight figure, a gold Saint's Row 2 USB bullet, Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun Sunglasses, artbooks, mini figures (City of Villains came with a ton of the damn things) and more.

    - Bottles, glasses and odd jars. I've noticed of late I seem to have inadvertantly collected a fair few items, mostly displayed on shelves.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Clint's Avatar
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    My room is a giant library. I have bookshelves lining two of the walls, with hundreds of books, most of which I've read. Most of the books are out of their respectful place, though, because once I'm finished with books, I usually just stack them and grab another, because I'm too lazy to sort my shelves. I really should do that, though, because it would be a lot easier to pick new books out if I could see the title on the spine. Unfortunately, that's hard for me to do, because my giant stacks of books are in the way. Besides the books, I have Dirty Harry theatrical posters lining another wall, consisting of one per movie (that would be five, junior), as well as a life sized cardboard cutout of Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name from Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Western Dollars Trilogy. I also have a desk, which I have yet to see the top of. It's filled with finished first draft ideas for dozens of stories that I've written when I had nothing better to do. Most of them are shit, and will never see the light of day, but some of them (the ones that I've put more effort into), are relatively well written and solid stories... Well, the first drafts aren't well written (because first drafts are never well written), but I do have a few second drafts. (A note to inspiring writers: Always handwrite first drafts.) I think I just got lost on a writing tangent. Anyway, that's my room.

  11. #11
    My boyfriend has suggested some more hallmarks of Heather Territory (apparently my description was lacking):

    Ancient posters with a rock music and French art nouveau based theme
    Overflowing ashtrays
    'You feel like you're in some lonely 40 year old who's pining for "the good old days" room when you're in there'
    It's freezing (I always like to keep windows open so the place doesn't completely honk of smoke)
    Piles of books, continents of floating paper
    Empty bottles on my desk; just now, a wine bottle called Four Emus, and a half filled bottle of Zubrowka. I miss my Tia Maria and Sainsbury's Organic White wine bottles, I liked those. But my Rosé bottle/candleholder with all the wax dripped on it was my favourite.

  12. #12
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Joe's Avatar
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    I have a long table very low to the ground that holds my flat screen LCD monitor for my desktop, and my virutally useless iMac (which is green). its got my desktop next to it, and the gap made between that and the corner where the side of my fireplace meets my bookshelf is where I spend most of my time at. The bookshelf houses my stereo which is plugged into my desktop, and makes a nice table for me to house my snack foods xD.

    There's also tons of books, dvd and game cases, and a sega genesis that always has either Skitchin or Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles plugged into it.

    My old room was filled with black and silver furniture, with random wolf or dragon posters everywhere, and sci-fi themed stuff littering the top of my bookcases. Alas, relatively soon if all goes well it shall be that way again ^_^
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  13. #13
    Sir Prize Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Sinister's Avatar
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    I have a house and a dorm. But I don't care about the dorm. >.>;

    My bedroom has gray and silver walls filled with H.R. Giger art and a sword. Plus a ton of books.

    My favorite room has an old couch and fluffy dark red carpet with a sound system and black walls.

    Neither is very big, but enough for one person to enjoy. Couple bottles, stored properly in a mini-fridge.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  14. #14
    Well, my room is known for just being a giant recording studio. I took off the doors to my closet and have amps and effects pedals in there. I took out the dressers also, and I stack my clothes in a corner. Under the bed, I have my guitars, and during the day they lay on the bed. The rest of the walking space is filled with wires, microphones, and a computer (not this one) that is solely used for recording.

    Everything else I own (PS3, TV, regular computer, etc) is actually in the living room.

  15. #15
    Registered User Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Halie's Avatar
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    My room is pretty boring. Messy, but boring.

    I guess you could say, the one with the huge Amy Lee poster. And a Paramore one... and a Bullet one, and another Amy Lee one, and a Trivium one, and another Amy Lee one, and... I'll stop there.

    I have quite a few posters. They scare me, though, so I don't know why I put them up >.>;.

    Also, when you walk into my room you'll see a pile of clothes stacked infront of the door. I just can't be arsed to take 'em downstairs to the washing basket.

    AND, there's a very groovy and very much awesome laptop in my room, which, evidently, my brothers donnot have .

    And a guitar. And a mini cooler (which I never use... >.>). Oh, and an LCD TV, a corkboard, two overflowing dressers, a very cramped wardrobe (I just stuff anything in there), and anotherneath my bed is a whole other world. Honestly, you'd get lost under there.

  16. #16
    Vagabond Thief Things that say "This is [insert your name here]'s room" Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    My room was messy ive cleaned it and rearranged it but it still looks like you're walking into a fantasy Novel. I have Fairies on shelves and little crystal animals,and little knick knack things everywhere. I have those Ceramic masks on my walls,I also have glow in the dark faeries on my walls as well. I have unicorns and dragon posters oh and faery posters,as well as bands and movie posters. Hmm I love roses so my furniture has gold roses on them and on my mirror theres roses etched into it. Also have a rose quilt and border and popurri! I have my ps2 and my tv in my room as well as a desk and a cd player,oh and this little shelf thingy i have all my dvds by genre. I also have like 3 wallflowers(oil air freshners from bath and body works) plugged into my room too.
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
    Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
    Martin-My awesome Tff lil bro who lets me cry on his shoulder!
    Unknown Entity-My wonderful banner making sis <3
    Halie-my slightly crazy but wondeful sis <3
    My geeky maple story loving bro-joesteel64

  17. #17
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I think my friends would remember the wallpaper. Its the first thing you see when you come into my room. Old-fashioned stripes, with ducks and boats all down the blue stripe. Then a serise of red, blue and white stripes. It sucks. Mum put it up while she was pregnant with me, and as much as I'm greatful I never had to look at gastly 70s wallpaper, this sh*t has to go. Whoever said stripes in a small room made the room feel smaller was totally right.

    Then, we come to the dresser. The dresser always has clothes, books, CDs, DVDs, games and other crap all over it. As a matter of fact, looking at it now, I've noticed a few teddy bears. Can't see my evil one about, but there you go.

    The next thing I'm sure they would remember are my little teddy near mates on top of my wardrobe. About... 30 of them, all collected from when I was little. Haha, looks like I may need to give'm a bit of a dust down soon... Oops...

    I have a few posters in my room: some Tomb Raider one I got free in OPS2 magazine, The Joker one, a Bunny Suicides one, and a Parental Advisory: Maximum Noise Output one. Hahaha, I also have a Danger Of Death sign, which my step dad swiped for me from some building site. There were about 5 others around the site at the time, so I don't think anyone without half a mind actually died as a result of that lol.

    Well... there is my TV, with a PS2 on top of it, and a PS3 beside it, but thats about it. My room. One day, I shall take a pic of it, and post it here. On a day its less messy of course lol.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  18. #18
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    - a desk with two monitors and a brighty glowy LED out the ass PC on it

    - various IDs from previous jobs

    - class checklist for my major, being scratched off at the end of each semester

    - poster that states the Procastinator's Creed on the wall near my bed.

    All of that pretty much screams me. IMO.

  19. #19
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    The first thing people notice about my room is the sheer size of it. There's enough space that I actually have three areas, clearly divided. The first area anyone sees is my entertainment area, which has blue walls and a skylight on the slanted ceiling above. I have an entertainment center with a couple of dragons and my PS3 on it, an armchair with an ottoman, matching couch, and a coffee table with another dragon and a stack of books on it. Yeah, most people do notice all that cause my bedroom is more like a one room apartment. Gamer-types will probably also notice my little DVD center next to the couch, I have Squall, Leviathan, and Legend of Dragoon's Rose sitting there, along with all my games and anime. And a model of the Carnival Valor cruise ship, which I went on last year.

    You won't see much of my sleeping area, I have it curtained off to let a minimum of light through. You can see the purple walls though.

    I also have a ladder set in the side of a wall to get to my loft, which is my office/library area. Fantasy books and another dragon, plus this computer desk. Another skylight here too. It's a bit cramped up here cause of the slanted ceiling, but manageable. There's also a railing and a bead curtain up here.

    Not much for wall decorations right now. Awhile back you would have confused my room for Midgar lol, I had three AC wallscrolls up. Cloud, Sephiroth, and one of Reno and Rude. Took 'em down when we repainted and never put them back up. I had a Naruto one floating around too but I gave that one to a friend.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  20. #20
    Au revoir. Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    The first thing you notice when you enter my room would be the near-roof-height bookshelf, which I absolutely adore. My grandfather made it for me as a birthday gift many years ago, and it's just awesome. I need to rearrange it, as I'm running out of space. In the upper left corner you'll find my bed with piles of clothes needing to be put away on it. Directly opposite is this computer and its desk, wedged neatly into the corner. Next to me is a 7 foot cabinet which is filled with my junk, and covered in it on top. Various certificates, artwork by young cousins and a newspaper article declaring me Prime Minister adorn the walls. Oh, and if all the doors of the inbuilt cupboards are flung open, it's my room.
    Last edited by Doc Rocco; 10-25-2008 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Doers isn't the same as doors.

    |Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|

    "I can't disappear yet..."
    Banner and avatar by myself.

    TFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:

    =TFF Family=

    Lily, Craven, Froggie, Bleachfangirl, Priscilla,
    Hyzenthlay, Xeim, Crazy Chocobo, Halie, Refieth, Rikkuffx, Martin,
    FF Ace Cid, winterborn86, L Lawliet and T.G. Oskar.

    PM/VM me to adopt me or join!

    Because we're clones and stuff.

    Memorable Quotes:
    Rachel : I hear you're advanced in twittery. =D
    Rocco : PhD level. =D
    Rachel : And beyond. =D

    Ann: It's like asking someone "How do you brush your teeth?"
    "What's your methods of toenail cutting?" "How do you get rid of nosehairs?"

    Jules: Bullshit. She thought it happened.
    Rocco: It was that quick huh?

    Cilla: Closets are so hot.

    TFF vs. World's Biggest Idiots:
    Matt :
    y = X x T
    C x V
    y= -6
    Rachel : For what, may I ask? Your intelligence?
    Let X, T, C and V all equal zero.
    Rachel : And you'd still come up with -6, because, let's face it, you're not the brightest spark.

    TOM: thought id take a pic of mine [his penis] and show u's
    TOM: its nice aye
    George: i wanan touch it

    TOM: i will go ****ing hulk on your ass ok
    .::.Sammy.::. : ill go like super sayian 5

    Quotes of Lily's:

    Hayden says:
    r u sure theres not a man standing behind u with a knife
    Rachel says:
    Quite sure.
    Hayden says:
    maybe its me
    Rachel says:
    I seriously doubt that your IQ is high enough for it to occur to you that you cannot walk through solid objects.

    =Lily on Freema Agyeman [Slightly paraphrased]=
    Lily says: Freema is so pretty.
    Lily says: I wish I was her.
    Lily says: She is mind-bogglingly sexy.
    Lily says: Seriously, if I had to choose between her and David Tennant, I'd SO choose her.
    Lily says: *glomps Freema to death and rips her clothes off*

    Member of FF Cult

  21. #21
    Rock On! Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; ~Blackberry Jam~'s Avatar
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    California, and nothing else
    Things that say "This is my room" :

    First, it should have many action figures such as batman, superman,.. etc. and also the color of the bedsheet should be blue or dark blue. My Laptop should be in the desk too.. secondly my room has a window too at the side of the bed, lasty the walls of my room has a portrait of the Earth :-> lol, kidding about the portrait!
    Last edited by ~Blackberry Jam~; 10-27-2008 at 05:36 AM.

  22. #22
    Arachnie Suicide Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    ..Yeah. If you walked into my room, you'd know it was mine right away.

    - Huge queen sized bed. Not very 'me', but if you know me well enough, you know I like luxury renaissance type print, which is what my bedspread is. With roses.

    - The various things on my wall. I have an article based on an interview with Dita Von Teese, who is a bit of an idol to me, along with a photo of her. Various lyrics from various bands. My handwriting is... Distinctive. You'd know it's mine from that. There's an email from my boyfriend tacked up just above my bed. A picture a girl drew of me on a train.

    - On my dresser, there's a few photos of family. Also a giant purple fake rose. A camera. Globe. ..Condoms ^^;

    - Floor.. I have a relatively distinctive taste in clothing, which my floor's littered with. Currently not much, actually. A basque, a big skirt, a white lace cap-sleeved shirt, some [clean] underwear, and some hair junk.

    That's... About it.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  23. #23
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    My room is Bright Orange. Pretty Distinct colour.

    If i moved house the thing that would say "this is my room" is the advent children poster that hangs above my bed and if that didn't do it the Captain Jack sparrow and my FF7:Advent children Vincent Toy's would do the trick.

    Either that or i would just say heres my room and you would look and see for yourself.


  24. #24
    Registered User Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Yesha's Avatar
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    My room is just simpLe.. I don't reaLLy Like.. putting aLot of posters.. just one BIG portrait of "WestLife" above my bed and nothing eLse.. LoL! And u wouLdn't see any bright nor dark coLours in my room.. it breaks my mood.. I Like dressing my bed just Light pink or some yeLLow in it.. and there's my desk in the corner and my PC w/ so much papers scattered aLL over it.. and I have this big cLoset that I owned since 10 years it has aLot of stuffs and cLothes.. weLL.. I think dat's aLL 'bout my room.. -)

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    If you can't see the carpet for clothing, you know where you're at.
    You mean my room, right?

    My room is pretty plain. Disgustingly messy, but plain.

    I have an unmade bed always with random articles of clothing on it. It's attached to a bookshelf that holds nothing but manga (that I double stack) and other knick-knacks. There's a red chair in the corner that no one can use for sitting because of the piles of pillows and clothes on it. A white rug with green squiggles lies on the floor next to my bed (though I really have to tell people this for them to know). The desk in the corner next to the chair is covered with stacks of papers and old foods.

    My walls are bare. I have quite a few wall scrolls of Bleach and Naruto, but haven't found the energy to actually hang them, so my walls will remain bare.

    Oh, and you know you're entered my room when you smell something like really strong tangerines. I left a bowl of them in there for two weeks, and they left a nice smell.

  26. #26
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Polk's Avatar
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    My door has a large checkerboard flag on it. I really have nothing else to say about it.

    My walls are actually quite plain. Baby blue. Because why the hell not? The only things on my walls are a framed Brett Favre rookie card, and a promo poster from Slayer's "Christ Illusion" cd that my friend's sister begged me to take from her (for free!) record store when I bought the cd. I laugh a little every time I look at it.

    I have a big cardboard promo display for The Decemberists' "Crane Wife" cd, that I got from the same record store (for FREE!). I was going to hang it up on my wall, but then I realized "lol I need nails to hang it up". Other than that, I have my guitars, a fridge that isn't plugged in, my various video game systems, and the piece that everyone who has ever been in my room remembers: Abraham Lincoln action figure. Not kidding. He's ripped as hell, too.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  27. #27
    Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    Riverhead, NY
    My room at college is very memorable. My side is 2 Boondock Saints posters, a Kramer poster, a Fear and Loathing in Las Veas poster, A GIANT Johnny Depp Poster, some Final Fantasy posters, some art, some anti-religious symbols and a Cleveland Browns field Jersey worn by the actual player (though I'm a Dallas fan, which is bad considering they lost to the Giants just now). My desk has a piece and some rolling papers on it, along with a cup of my happy juice. Bed is completely pink lol.

    My roommate on the other hand has a Jesus poster, some cheerful art, a few prayers, some pictures, and a flower poster. Bed has 2 prayer pillows and a hand quitted blanket. She's a devote Mormon.

    So if you couldn't tell why people remember my room haha. People get so confused when they come into my dorm room, like HOW DID THEY END UP DORMING TOGETHER? The freshman dorms here at Potsdam are grouped according to major and interests, and honestly, you couldn't pick two people who were so different. I'm a double major; Musical Theater and Comp Sci(soon to be Computer Design), she is a Vocal Performance major, which is simular to my major, but with out all the theater classes (technically speaking I have a triple major RAHH).

    Its is pretty much the same at my house too. I had tons of badass posters on my side and my sister had a Harry Potter poster, an Inuyasha poster, and a cat sign (right Brit LOL).

    I love my roomate though. Such a sweetheart. Always has people stop by to see her.

  28. #28
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Lunasa's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Long Island, NY
    Don't forgot the couple of Newspaper clippings I had, which include a picture of Johan Santana and Eli Manning. Who know what you had up. I was just home this weekend, and the wall is weird without all of the Yankee Memorabilia, Alex Rodriguez, magazine clippings, posters, comic strips, and lord knows what else literally PAPERED our entire room at home.

    Well, I've improved. I have a Jose Reyes Banner in my Dorm room now, and a straight, shirtless couple making out on the beach, a ton of hot CosmoGirl men, and a Sci-Fi convention poster. I have a sign up that says "Dogs Have Masters, Cats Have Staff". It's come a long way, my dorm room.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  29. #29
    Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Riverhead, NY
    I was really depressed when she took that all down. It made me die inside.

    Shirtless couple on he beach? Shirtless men? You kinky bitch you ^_^.

    I have no half-naked guys on my wall. Maybe Alex Rodriguez should do a shirtless photoshoot. That would really make my day.

  30. #30
    Imperius Rex Things that say &quot;This is [insert your name here]'s room&quot; Storm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South West England
    Organised clutter!!!

    At my home my room is painted sage green with a Leviathan and a lilly painted on the wall, a poster of a Jason Chan artwork and a randomly cluttered cork board with gig tickets, postcards and stuff on it. There are a lot of ornimental dragons and frogs, with a few snakes, faries and creatures snuck in. Theres a lot of CDs, DVDs, games and books on my shelf, along with 2 tarantula vivariums and a fish tank with some cichlids in it. More often than not, theres at least one cat on my bed... sometimes all 4.

    I dont like my uni room much (white and silver arent my choices of colour- I prefer my green walls and curtains, pine furniture and brown carpet) and unfortunatly can't redecorate since i'm lodging, however theres more books, dvds, cds and games and a couple of dragons. There are also my winter hats, my nunchakus, a scented candle and jewelry around the place which make it more homely.

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